How you can help us Donate Current campaigns Please help Handsome Arthur to walk again Donate Fundraise Meet Arthur This handsome, but sad looking boy was handed into a local vets after he was found injured not far from our centre. Arthur was probably hit by a car which is not an uncommon fate for many cats. But perhaps, had his original owners had him neutered, he would not have been outside but curled up on someone's lap. Had they had him microchipped - which is now law - he could have been reunited. As it is, this poor lad was not only badly injured, but he was also homeless. He had a badly fractured leg and pelvis which needed surgery and needed to be pinned. Saved by Yorkshire Cat Rescue The vets knew that there were only two options for this homeless and unwanted lad - the first was euthanasia; however this seemed a poor option for such a lovely young cat. So they took the second option and called Yorkshire Cat Rescue, speaking to our CEO who approved the specialist and costly surgery to try and repair his wounds. Surgery of this nature is not undertaken lightly. Arthur could not use the toilet due to the injury and it was touch and go as to whether that would improve - if not it would make him unhomeable. Was it worth it? Yes, of course it was. The operation goes ahead After a few days of monitoring, Arthur's big op went ahead. Whilst he was under anaesthetic, the vets neutered him so that he wouldn't have to undergo a further anaesthetic and they took the opportunity to empty his bowels so that he would be more comfortable. He needed a screw on one side of his pelvis and a plate with screws on the other side so that his bones would join together and start to fix. The other large fracture was left as this will heal with rest. After his op, Arthur was in a lot of pain and it took him a few days to start eating. Luckily, with the help of some pain relief drugs, he began to come round and began to take an interest in his surroundings. You can see where he had to be shaved for the op to go ahead. The Injury Arthur's injury isn't that common, most pelvic fractures are left to heal with cage rest rather than surgery. As you can see this wasn't possible with the severity of his injury and this is why he needed expensive and specialist surgery. His recovery programme Following such drastic pelvic surgery, Arthur was in need of cage rest and had to wear a head cone to prevent him from touching his wounds. At Yorkshire Cat Rescue we are blessed with amazing fosterers and one lady stepped up to the mark, even though she was mourning her previous cat. Arthur moved in with her, his cage taking up a large part of her room. His recovery will be slow and uncertain - will the screws and plate help heal the wounds? Will he regain toilet function? We hope so. Your donation will help us to pay for his vet bill and specialist surgery - thank you for donating whatever you can afford. And, if you can make a monthly donation without leaving yourself short, please do. We appreciate your help so much. Manage Cookie Preferences