Little Gwen had a horrible start in life. She caught cat flu (caught common in kittens and cats) and was found abandoned in a box on a building site with no mum cat or other kittens to be seen. Practically left for dead, we have no idea how this kitten survived and as her cat flu was left untreated she almost looked blind, with one of her eyes glued shut. 

We decided to put Gwen into a foster home where she had the best chance of survival and would get some much needed TLC. As she was so young with no mummy she needed to be hand reared which meant constant feeds throughout the day and night. Thankfully she managed to get her strength up, but unfortunately her cat flu was still a persistent problem. 

Thankfully Gwen found a wonderful human who wanted to adopt her and would do anything to help her get better. We sent Gwen away to her new home with eye drops and repair gel that needed to given 3 times a day in the hope this would calm things down. Unfortunately her eye problem only got worse and this resulted in Gwen seeing the vets multiple times to get more medicine and eye drops to try on her eye. 

In the end it was decided Gwen needed to see  a specialist ophthalmologist who monitored her very closely. Despite the round the clock care, Gwen’s eye wasn’t improving and the vet estimated she only had about 10% vision left in her eye. Gwen’s mummy had lots of talks with the specialist and it was decided the kindest option for Gwen would be to remove the problem eye where she wouldn't be in any pain or discomfort anymore. 

The operation was a big one, but we are so pleased to say it went well and Gwen recovered quickly. She is now living life with her sister Trinket who you may remember also had a problem eye and came from us.  They now live together after having their opposite eyes removed. We think they make a great team! 

Cat after eye operation at Yorkshire Cat Rescue

                                                                                 After her operation!

Gwen's treatments, vet bills and her operation did not come cheap for us and despite her mummy doing everything she can to fundraise and help us with the costs, there is still a lot of money left to pay towards the bill. 

If you can please help us by making a donation - or better still a regular donation, as having a few extra pounds each month will help us to give kittens and cats like Gwen the chance to survive and life the live they deserve. 

Thank you x