About us Our Centre Staff Our trustees Our trustees are Lyndon Campbell (our Chair). Lyndon’s particular area of expertise is commercial property and he has been invaluable when setting up Yorkshire Cat Rescue’s charity shops. Lyndon has three cats Macey, Barney and Cherry (an ex-YCR kitten). Hannah Bates. Hannah is a lawyer and assists with any legal issues which face Yorkshire Cat Rescue. She is on a one-woman crusade to adopt every kitten in the world. Andrew McDougall. Andrew is, by training, a lawyer and he was Senior Partner of a large commercial solicitors practice. He now acts as a consultant. Andrew also has experience in HR and as such he oversees staff and volunteer recruitment and HR issues, as well as being responsible for Yorkshire Cat Rescue’s staffing and volunteer policies. Andrew has twelve cats and lives on a small-holding in North Yorkshire. Andrew and his wife also operate a Charitable Foundation on the small-holding supporting animal welfare initiatives, and in addition to the twelve cats keep a range of domestic and farm animals. Tom Piercy. Tom works in the charity sector and has previously worked as a fundraiser at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. He volunteers alongside our fundraisers to give them advice and support in their work. Manage Cookie Preferences