Our bank details

If you would like to donate to our bank, you can do this using online banking or by attending a bank in person.

Our bank details are:
Virgin Bank
Sort code – 05-05-35
Account number – 17488411
Account name: Yorkshire Cat Rescue 1160138

Please note - if donating directly to the bank, it is crucial that you include the full account name, including the number at the end (which is our registered charity number).  You may also receive an alert from your bank to check that you are making the payment to someone you know.  If you're happy to proceed at this stage, please do.

If you make an anonymous donation in this way it is unlikely that we will be able to acknowledge it, or send you copies of our newsletter, as the bank do not provide us with your address details.  If we are able to identify you from the donation we will be able to acknowledge receipt. We are also unable to claim Gift Aid unless you identify yourself and your donation to us. 

You can also download a standing order form to make a regular donation - monthly, weekly, quarterly, annually or as often as you wish. Regular donations really help us plan and the money from the regular donations goes towards our vet bills each month.  You can download a standing order form here - please send it to the address on the form once you have completed it.