Igor here, got a little hiatus'd there, but catching up now. My new peoples get a little worried occasionally by my wheezing in my sleep, my wobbliness, and the fact it takes me a six-point turn to wheel around, so it always good to lift their spirits with a burst of speed, this weeks was on account of STEAK!!!, which is obviously mine, on account of age, grace and seniority (and I'll nail your hand to the carpet with my claw if your not quick putting it down) So it's good to hear them cooing over my speed.
Also, in minor cats dust-ups, my little favourite Prudence starts innocently attacking Nemo. Nemo gets physical, going to teach her a lesson, Prudence squeals, I'm awakened, confused by the alarum, (and to be fair, I normally wake a bit confused...) I see guilty Nemo, and perforating his head seems to be the wise course of action, so I let him have my 'skull pat'. Prudence to the media "Uncle Igor, my hero".
Igor and his cat sister out in Yorkshire Cat Rescue