Spring time! Spring springs (almost) eternal... Well there's buds and birdsong, and, my ponds back! It was with some trepidation when I finally stepped out again; I'm a bit wobblier, and the pond was frozen so rock solid just back there, I thought it might be cracked or something. The cats outdoor water bowl, for those not 'traditional' enough for the pond, was shattered by the frosts. But heaven!, the water in the old pond sparkles like lucky diamonds, and tastes like wine! Afterwards I admired myself in an old mirror I'd never seen before, and got a shock seeing old Mittens (oldest except for me) sat on the wall, (she's a brown tabby, blends in...) well that was enough excitement for me, I ran in, tail wobbling away, I can tell you... But that first taste of the year of spring pond-water, promising maybe a whole summers worth of garden snoozes, naps (and maybe, some adventures..) was sublime.. love Igor. Manage Cookie Preferences