Rescue life can be tough and we have had a difficult month so far. These 3 cats all sadly went over to the rainbow bridge and we wanted to do a little tribute to them. Here are their stories. ðŸŒˆ 


Scallop came into our care last June. We ran a successful appeal for him as he had inflamed bowels and intestines which caused him a number of ongoing issues. After multiple treatments, tests and steroids Scallop just wasn't getting any better and after exhausting all options for this sweet little boy we made the difficult decision for him to pass over to the rainbow bridge as he didn't have a good quality of life. We are heartbroken, but take comfort in the fact we did everything we could to give him that happy ending he so deserved.

Cat in blanket


Gwen came to us after being found outside as a stray. She was around 15 and had numerous health issues including hyperthyroidism, bad skin, and quite awful teeth. She was such a friendly girl and loved it when you went into see her. We had booked Gwen in for a dental to sort out her teeth, but we received a phone call from the vets to say they had found a tumour under her tongue and the decision was made to let her go. A horrible decision to make, but we know it was the kindest thing for her to pass over to the rainbow bridge. Run free sweet girl. 


Bison came to us as a stray in a complete state. He had severe cat flu and bad congestion and after a trip to the vets we also found out he had a severe heart murmur, and FIV which had turned into feline aids. This resulted in Bison having hardly any white blood cells so he was very vulnerable to infection. After being with us for a few days we sadly found Bison had passed away in his sleep. He was such a wonderful boy and we will miss him so much. He spent his last day having lots of cuddles with the team, yummy treats and time in the sunshine on a comfy blanket.