Donate online
You can donate online by clicking the button above but if you prefer to donate in another way, or if you would like to donate items rather than money, please select the appropriate method below.
As a registered charity, we can claim gift aid on any donations made to us by a UK taxpayer who has agreed to allow us to do this. Gift Aid costs the donor nothing as long as they have paid sufficient tax in the UK in the year in which the donation is made. So, for example, if you donate £25, we can claim 20% of this from the Inland Revenue, so your donation will be worth an extra £5.
This money is very important to us, so please do make a declaration if you can. For us to claim Gift Aid, we need your name, your address including postcode and a written confirmation that you are a UK taxpayer and have paid or will pay sufficient tax in the year in which you make the donation(s). You can either make the declaration with your payment, or download a separate form for a single donation or for multiple donations.
Thank you.