When I retired from my job as Administrator, I let myself enjoy a little well-earned rest for a while but then wanted to do something that I would really enjoy. I have always loved cats, so when I saw a newspaper article about Haworth Cat Rescue (as it was then) wanting someone to work on the phones and having had a reputation for being a bit of a chatterbox with people on the phone I thought, “this is the job for me!”

I started in the outside “office” (aka cubby hole!!) 6 years ago and have never regretted it, only wish I had done it earlier. Yorkshire Cat Rescue - as it is now - might regret it though, I am sure their telephone bill will have gone up!! (only joking!!!!)

My cat Max came to me as a short term foster from Yorkshire Cat Rescue and so I subsequently and proudly joined the “failed fosterer’s club”. I did try to continue to foster for a little while after that but my wussy pussy Max was too frightened of the kittens and that was the end of fostering for me!!!! I get great satisfaction from being part of a team that is helping people – and you do get some tragic phone calls – and seeing cats that are in desperate need of good loving homes finally get placed where someone really wants them. It is lovely to visit the cats and kittens on site and it reminds me what we are there for.